A mentor can be a career-changing figure who can help you achieve success and fulfillment. But how to find a mentor? Here are three simple (but effective) strategies.
In Person
When you know in real life the person you would like to have as a mentor, things are a little easier. Odds are that you already have a relationship with that person, and that certainly helps. These are some guidelines to keep in mind when you as someone to be your mentor:
- Explain why you would like to have the person as a mentor.
- Outline the kind of guidance you are seeking.
- Acknowledge that you will respect the other person’s time.
If you don’t know your prospective mentor in person, then you may use email to get a mentorship relationship started. Again, explain why you would like to have that person as a mentor, and then ask for a quick meeting. The advent of video conferences has made things a lot easier, since now the person doesn’t even have to leave their office to exchange ideas in an environment that’s a lot more personal than an email or a phone call.
Social Media
Social media, and LinkedIn in particular, is a motherlode of contacts that can help you in many ways, including finding a mentor. To find a mentor on social media, observe what they post and do some research about their background. If you like what you see, contact them following the same guidelines mentioned above: be respectful, explain why you respect their work and assure them that you will respect their time.
More Tips and Ideas
At the ONE Inland Empire Chamber of Commerce we are always looking for ideas that help foster the growth of your business. Here are some previous posts you may find interesting:
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- Common grammar mistakes to avoid in your business emails
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Interested in learning more about the ONE Inland Empire Chamber of Commerce? Contact us today by email (info@oneinlandempire.com), telephone (951-280-3902), or social media. We look forward to hearing from you!