In part thanks to the pandemic, distributed workforces are more common than ever. However, working from home doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy the benefits of mentorship. That’s why in today’s post, we show you how to find a mentor even if you are working remotely.
Review your Personal Contacts
The first thing to do when you are looking for mentorship is to take a look at your existing network of contacts. Maybe your mentor is hiding in plain sight, within just a couple of degrees of separation from you. For example, it may be the friend of a friend or a relative of one of your acquaintances. This is the alternative for you if you have trouble initiating contact, or if you simply would like to get help with an introduction to your potential mentor.
Use Social Media
Social media has substantially expanded the potential to make professional contacts. Getting In touch with leading figures from your industry has never been this easy. Most importantly, as you look for a potential mentor online, don’t forget that social media is more than Facebook. For example, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and even YouTube can be useful places to look for advice.
Take Advantage of Your Local Chamber of Commerce
No doubt, innovative solutions are great to find a mentor. But there are also tried-and-true methods that are just as effective, if not more. Finding high-quality mentorship can be as simple as joining your local chamber of commerce. Networking is one of the basic functions of these institutions, so it makes sense to take advantage of them to make significant professional connections.
More Tips and Ideas
At the ONE Inland Empire Chamber of Commerce, we are always looking for ideas that help foster the growth of your business. Here are some previous posts to help you do just that:
- How to use social media to advance your career
- Cybersecurity basics for small businesses
- 3 Simple ways to protect yourself against identity theft
- Common grammar mistakes to avoid in your business emails
Interested in learning more about the ONE Inland Empire Chamber of Commerce? Contact us today by email (, telephone (951-280-3902), or social media. We look forward to hearing from you